Check out the first cut of our movie, Hempspiracy Watch it now, and join us as we develop our idea into a feature film that will tell the whole world about the power of hemp to save humanity.
The power of hemp
Hemp is the wonder plant that can not only displace oil and plastic and hundreds more unsustainable products, but it also has the power to stop climate change by absorbing literally tons of CO2 from the air. How do I offset my carbon footprint?
Start on World Environment Day, offset your carbon footprint every day with Hempoffset
On World Environment Day, 5 June 2021, we’re proud to launch Hempoffset – carbon offset made easy Small, daily changes made by millions add up to a new world. Starting today, and every day, we make it easy to offset your carbon footprint by investing in hemp crops in Ireland and around the world.
Hempoffset is a contender for XPRIZE CARBON REMOVAL victory
We want to succeed in this unique and wonderful competition as a victory for our planet and every living thing that shares it With the greatest prize fund ever seen in human history, Elon Musk has not just stepped up to the plate, but has already hit a home run for our world. $100 million… Continue reading Hempoffset is a contender for XPRIZE CARBON REMOVAL victory