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Achieve sustainability goals with the power of nature. Buy our Hemp Carbon Credits or Offset Flights

Take charge of your carbon footprint

First, let’s see how much CO2 you generate. This is your carbon footprint. Then we’ll show you how hemp can effectively offset it.

Try all our carbon footprint calculator tools here.

Surprised? Source: Wikipedia
Founders Gary Byrnes and Felix Roick.

Ready to take action? Try our Hemp Carbon Credits

Our Hemp Carbon Credit products and services are science-based and data-driven, with impacts measured. Our platform connects you with licensed growers in Ireland and around the world who grow industrial hemp. We measure all our partner crops’ inputs and outputs. Then we lock the carbon away, permanently and safely, in hempcrete homes and buildings.

Fabulous, verified, fully considered, and 100% sequestered Hempoffset Hemp Carbon Credits are now available, for businesses and consumers worldwide! Everything we do is science-based, data-driven and impacts are measured. When you purchase any of our Carbon Credit products, your investment is shared equally between the grower who captures the carbon, and the hempcrete maker who sequesters the carbon, and Hempoffset, to fund our technology and verification operations. Ideally, the grower and maker will be the same person or organisation, to minimise the transportation carbon footprint. In this case, they will receive two-thirds of your investment.

This could be our last chance. We’re up for the challenge!

Read the latest IPCC climate report.


Here’s how you can help achieve all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!

Be part of the solution

If you’re a business owner and want to have a carbon neutral operation, quickly and easily, learn more about our business carbon service. Our hemp carbon credit products help enable carbon neutral data centres, in real time, across construction, operation and legacy. Our technology helps businesses achieve sustainability goals.



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Our mission is to stop climate change – effectively and quickly – and help you achieve sustainability goals

Hempoffset is the first true carbon capture and sequestration product that supports businesses and individuals with their efforts to go carbon neutral in near real-time. Our method: Industrial hemp, grown at scale with our carbon measurement and offset platform, supplying the best quality hemp carbon credits in the world to our customers and Voluntary Carbon Markets.

Hempoffset carbon credits are unique:

  • Multiple, positive impacts are measured and made transparent. The quantity of CO2 we remove from the atmosphere is our key impact. Additional impacts in job creation, sustainable development, and behavioural change.
  • Additionality, removing CO2 in new projects.
  • Validated, Verified, and Certified by the Department of Agriculture, Ireland (Irish operations).
  • Fully considered: Only net gains are brought to market.
  • Permanently and safely sequestering CO2.
  • Used to produce hempcrete for carbon-zero housing and commercial buildings.
  • Our carbon products and services are science-based and data-driven, with all impacts measured.
  • Transparent, end-to-end carbon credit registry to build trust.

Co-benefits of industrial hemp include helping pollinators thrive, bees and other insects; environmental justice by redistributing value; better for the environment with no need for herbicides or pesticides; and significant job creation.

Businesses and individuals use our platform to measure, reduce, and manage their carbon footprints. Offset the business, the project, or the activity by the metric tonne, with guaranteed, additional, permanent sequestration of the target carbon footprint.



Together, we’ll plant enough hemp to go carbon neutral fast, stop climate change, and defund war

Make a promise to the planet

We want to grow a billion hectares of hemp, all over the world. If you are already dedicated to growing hemp, or just want to try it as a rotation crop, get in touch. If you are new to hemp and want to learn how to grow it, get in touch. We need you. The planet needs you.

Join the movement for a cleaner planet

When you need hemp crops for your products, we connect you with growers near you, in Ireland and around the world, who will meet your supply needs.

You can also sell your hemp and sustainable products in our store. Get in touch today…

Pledge your commitment to reducing your carbon footprint

We’ve started a movement that will easily enable the planting of enough hemp to stop climate change. Our audacious goal is to plant over one billion hectares a year, on our new, sustainable, greentech value platform. We know we need to build a carbon-neutral, and then a carbon-negative lifestyle worldwide, with equality, opportunity and respect for nature and each other at its heart. But we’re human, so we won’t do that until it’s too late. Hempoffset will buy us time, making it super-easy for anyone, or any business, to go carbon-neutral.

A billion hectares of hemp

A billion hectares of hemp is around 10% of habitable land and will remove up to 23 metric gigatons (a gigaton is 1 billion metric tons) of CO2 from the air each year, that’s about a quarter of the world’s annual emissions.

Isn’t 10% a lot of land?

Not really, especially when you consider that 40% of the planet’s arable land is currently used for dairy and livestock. Most of the hemp fibre we grow will be used to make hempcrete, an incredible construction material, and we’ll build sustainable homes for everyone on Earth who needs or wants one. We’re using one problem to solve another. Everything we do with our hemp carbon offset products and services is science-based and data-driven. Hempoffset is a win-win. Join us on this legendary journey…

Help us create a more sustainable world: sign up now

Register your interest in a sustainable, hempcrete home by Hempoffset.

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Subscribe to our newsletter for hefty discounts, sustainability news and tips, and exclusive, full access to our story as we journey to a better, carbon-neutral world, trying to win the XPRIZE along the way.


The science of hemp and carbon offset

There is a growing awareness that Nature-based Solutions (= NbS = plants) hold the key to solving the climate crisis. Why risk tampering with the atmosphere (will we ever learn?) or waiting for some new technology to be invented, when plants and trees are already working hard (along with the ocean) to pull the planet back from the brink? Trees are a good strategy, so let’s plant billions of them, everywhere possible. But, trees can take 30-40 years to make a net positive carbon impact and time is of the essence (Also: forest fires). That’s why hemp is the answer.

Hemp absorbs literally tons of CO2 when growing

Hemp is simply the most effective crop at removing CO2 from our air. One hectare of hemp can absorb up to 15 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere (Source: European Commission), pumping out even more oxygen, and in a single growing season! Hemp grows really fast, with three crops a year achievable in hot climates. Hemp is also a great rotation crop, requires no pesticides and needs only half the water of most other crops, boosting biodiversity.


Now, what are you waiting for? Register your intent to take action…

Achieve sustainability goals, buy our partner growers’ and makers’ hemp carbon credits right now!



“The greatest threat to the planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

Robert Swan

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